The Disreputable History of Frankie Landau-Banks- E. Lockhart
Frankie Landau-Banks at age 14:Debate Club.Her father’s “bunny rabbit.”
A mildly geeky girl attending a highly competitive boarding school.
Frankie Landau-Banks at age 15:
A knockout figure.
A sharp tongue.
A chip on her shoulder.
And a gorgeous new senior boyfriend: the supremely goofy, word-obsessed Matthew Livingston.
Frankie Laundau-Banks.
No longer the kind of girl to take “no” for an answer.
Especially when “no” means she’s excluded from her boyfriend’s all-male secret society.
Not when her ex boyfriend shows up in the strangest of places.
Not when she knows she’s smarter than any of them.
When she knows Matthew’s lying to her.
And when there are so many, many pranks to be done.
Frankie Landau-Banks, at age 16:
Possibly a criminal mastermind.
This is the story of how she got that way.
I absolutely loved this book. If you're looking for some light fun reading, pick this book up. Frankie is a feminist who wants nothing more than to be able to be part of a all male secret society. She is tired of being nothing but arm candy to her boyfriend who belongs to this secret society, and when she feels she isn't getting acknowledged as a equal by him and his buddies she takes matters to her own hands. Don't underestimate Frankie!
Product Details
Reading level: Young Adult
Hardcover: 352 pages
Publisher: Hyperion Book CH (March 25, 2008)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0786838183
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