Sep 27, 2011

Book Review: Groundswell by Katie Lee

Author:  Katie Lee
Publisher:  Gallery
Date Published:  June 21st 2011

Emma Guthrie, a newbie to the Hollywood world lands a job as a PA for a blockbuster movie.  Her life changes drastically when she meets blockbuster movie heartthrob Garrett Walker.  She is swept off her feet, and soon becomes Mrs. Walker, and her life changes in a instant.  She comes to her own writing a screenplay based on her life, and soars up there right along with her husband.  During a huge media event she finds out her husband is cheating on her.  Hounded by the press Emma takes off to Mexico for some space, and comes to some revelations about herself and her marriage.

Groundswell is a fast read at 256 pages, though it's one of those books that I think needed more pages to make the story feel complete.  It was very rushed especially when Emma escapes to Mexico.  She just realizes things about herself and stuff out of the blue it seems.  We don't see how she came to those conclusions, she just tells us she did.  I hope i'm making sense.  

Groundswell had the typical characters, the innocent bright eyed young girl, the suave charismatic heartthrob, and the conniving man stealing jealous bitch.  I really wish author Katie Lee would have brought something new to this type of novel.  I've read numerous books dealing with infidelity with the women coming out of the mess stronger, and better but I was hoping for more.  

Sep 21, 2011

Mini Reviews

Give Up the Ghost

Give Up the Ghost by Megan Crewe

Give Up the Ghost is about ghosts (shocking).  Cass can see and talk to ghost, she prefers her ghosts than her peers. A classmate, Tim asks for her help, during the time spent with Tim she learns more about him and a whole lot about herself.  I thought it was a okay read, really nothing OMG about it.  

Rated: 3 out of 5

Epic Fail

Epic Fail by Claire Lazebnik

I was surprised that Epic Fail is a modern retelling of Pride and Prejudice.  Totally wasn't expecting that.  Derek Edward, the son of Hollywood's IT couple and Elise, daughter of the high school principal have misunderstandings, and there is a ton mixed signals going on.  Cute quick read.  

Rated: 3 out of 5

Sep 13, 2011

Book Review: I Heart New York by Lindsey Kelk

I Heart New York
Author:  Lindsey Kelk
Publisher:  Harper
Date Published:  June 5th 2009

Let me get the so called crap out of the way first.  I Heart New York is predictable, things fall into place perfectly for our heroine (blah) which brings me to my last gripe, it’s unrealistic.

Okay now on to why I liked it regardless of the things I mentioned above.  The truth sometimes your just in the mood for a cliché chicklit that makes you sigh and wish that life worked that way. 
It’s escapism, and one of the reasons why I love reading. 

Our main protagonist Angela catches her fiancé cheating on her with a tramp, and on a whim hops on a plane to New York.  Mind you she knows no one in NYC, but what the hell I’m game I’ll go along for the ride, which I did, smiling all the way.  While in NYC she befriends Jenny Lopez (I’m still, I’m still jenny from the block..) who works at the hotel Angela is staying at.  Jenny becomes her savior, and helps her with shelter, food, and some much needed advice.  Angela goes from 0 to 60 in her dating life, again not realistic who find their partner cheating and immediately jumps back in the game finding not one but two great guys quickly..very quickly.  Gotta love fiction.

I enjoyed I Heart New York because it’s miles away from what real life is especially after a break up.  I enjoyed Angela and even Jenny (from the block).  If you are into realism then you probably won’t like I Heart New York, if you are just in the mood for a feel good story then I Heart New York will work.

Sep 10, 2011

Book Review: Little Women and Me by Lauren Baratz-Logsted

Little Women and Me

Little Women and Me
Author:  Lauren Baratz- Logsted
Publisher:  Bloomsbury Publishing
Expected Publication Date:  November 8th 2011

From Goodreads:

Emily is sick and tired of being a middle sister. So when she gets an assignment to describe what she'd change about a classic novel, Emily pounces on Little Women. After all, if she can't change things in her own family, maybe she can bring a little justice to the March sisters. (Kill off Beth? Have cute Laurie wind up with Amy instead of Jo? What was Louisa May Alcott thinking?!) But when Emily gets mysteriously transported into the world of the book, she discovers that righting fictional wrongs won't be easy. And after being immersed in a time and place so different from her own, it may be Emily-not the four March sisters-who undergoes the most surprising change of all. Lauren Baratz-Logsted's winning confection will appeal to fans of Little Women as well as anyone who enjoys a modern twist on an old favorite.

I have never read Little Women, but I had seen the movie.  I had some complaints with the movie and how things ended not so with Little Women and Me.  The ending was satisfying, but it was just okay for me. 

The beginning of Little Women and Me is a little too slow for me.  I put it down several times but once I got past the slow start it picked up, just not enough, and though I did like the ending I am not a huge fan of the book.  I just wasn't feeling Emily.  Something about her was annoying, and to be honest I really didn't love any of the characters.  Some were alright, and others I downright didn't like at all.  

If you are a fan of Little Women I think you would enjoy Little Women and Me, if not you might find it a bit tedious.

Sep 3, 2011

Going Through a Major Book Slump

I haven't been reading much at all, infact I pretty much haven't picked up a book in a couple of weeks.  What!?  For awhile there I was trying to get into a book, any book.  I would randomly pick up a book and start and if it wasn't working for me I would put it down and pick up another one, until I wasn't picking up any of them.  I have so many books and I am still buying them, so my piles are going up and up!

Major slump!

I can't remember feeling this way since I was in high school.  I have some reviews to write and post, hopefully I will get some done today, then I might if I feel like it pick up The Confession by John Grisham.  Hope good ole' John will get me out of this slump.