We had a rainy week, and I was able to get quite a bit of reading done. There is something about reading when it's cloudy and dark out, and the thunder is rolling.
Books read this week-

My favorite this week was The Heretic Queen by Michelle Moran. I will be reviewing this book, and Along for Ride by Sarah Dessen soon. I'm hoping to have my review for Along for Ride up tonight.
No abandoned books this week.
Mini- Reviews-
I can read 3 to 6 books a week, and I tend to fall behind in writing and posting reviews. I usually then just pick a couple of books to review, instead of doing them all, but I decided what I'm going to do now, just so I can get them all reviewed, is do mini-reviews. I'll only do this occasionally when I start getting backed up. My first small batch of mini reviews is up already, and you can find them here.
Books checked out or bought-
This week I had to return some books to the library, and of course I couldn't leave without picking up some more. I checked out Evil at Heart- Chelsea Cain, and After You- Julie Buxbaum, and The Heretic Queen-Michelle Moran (read), and I bought Lush Life- Richard Price, The Story of a Girl- Sarah Zarr, Grief Girl: My True Story- Erin Vincent, and The Little Book- Seldon Edwards.
Currently Reading-
I'm just about to start Wish Club by Kim Strickland, and then will probably pick up Evil at Heart.
Books read this week-

My favorite this week was The Heretic Queen by Michelle Moran. I will be reviewing this book, and Along for Ride by Sarah Dessen soon. I'm hoping to have my review for Along for Ride up tonight.
No abandoned books this week.
Mini- Reviews-
I can read 3 to 6 books a week, and I tend to fall behind in writing and posting reviews. I usually then just pick a couple of books to review, instead of doing them all, but I decided what I'm going to do now, just so I can get them all reviewed, is do mini-reviews. I'll only do this occasionally when I start getting backed up. My first small batch of mini reviews is up already, and you can find them here.
Books checked out or bought-
This week I had to return some books to the library, and of course I couldn't leave without picking up some more. I checked out Evil at Heart- Chelsea Cain, and After You- Julie Buxbaum, and The Heretic Queen-Michelle Moran (read), and I bought Lush Life- Richard Price, The Story of a Girl- Sarah Zarr, Grief Girl: My True Story- Erin Vincent, and The Little Book- Seldon Edwards.
Currently Reading-
I'm just about to start Wish Club by Kim Strickland, and then will probably pick up Evil at Heart.
I started a challenge, Douglas Adam Hitchhikers Challenge. The Hitchhiker's series has five books in it, and the challenge will give me about 6 months to complete it. There's also a great site, Hitchhiker Marathon, that is hosting a reading marathon through all five books, starting on the anniversary of the first book, October 12. Check it out! Thanks Gavin, for letting me know about this site.
Everyone have a great Sunday!
I finally decided I reallly want to read one of Michelle Moran's books! I look forward to your review.
ReplyDeleteWow! Thanks so much for mentioning my little site! You rock endlessly!