Feb 4, 2010

What's been going on....well,

My life went from great to falling apart within a day.  My world went upside down the day after my last post, The Sunday Salon.  This is the first time I've had to post anything, and it probably will be for a while.  I haven't picked up a book since that Sunday afternoon.  I'm looking forward to a time when I can kick back and finally pick up a book.  Sadly I don't know when that will be.  When the dust settles I have to figure out if this is still something I would like to continue.  I enjoyed blogging immensely but after what has happen  I wonder if I can enjoy it again.  I am different...what has happen has changed me.

Life is scary for me right now.

Hope everyone is doing well.


  1. Oh dear, I hope you are okay. I hope you continue, I enjoy reading you. Take care!

  2. Melissa,
    I'm so sorry to hear things aren't going well. I hope they get better soon and you can return to doing the things you have enjoyed. We're all here for you if you need to talk, vent, etc. or send a pm on pbs if you need to get it out in private. ((hugs))

  3. I hope everything is ok! Take your time getting back to blogging. We will be here when you return.

  4. I hope everything is okay. I'm sorry to hear this.

  5. This sounds serious. I really hope that your world rights itself and soon!

  6. Oh wow. I'm so sorry! *hug* Good luck and many blessings.

  7. Oh my gosh, that sounds so sad.
    I know you can't tell a bunch of blogging strangers what's wrong, but I wish we could help. I can say that I will honestly pray for you. I hope things get better for you.
    Please keep us informed, if you can. Sometimes, actually, talking to strangers is easier than those who know you. Just know that there are people here "friends" in Bloggerland that you can talk to.

  8. sad things happen. I have enjoyed your blog and hope you can get back to posting someday. all the best to you and yours.

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