Jan 25, 2011

Still Missing by Chevy Stevens

Still Missing
Author:  Chevy Stevens
Genre:  Thriller/Mystery
Publisher:  St. Martin's Press
Date Published:  July 6th 2010

What a freaky scary book. I read this in such a fast pace, and I loved every minute. The thriller/mystery genre is one I dabble in here and there, and the main reason for this is I never get the seating on the edge of my chair feeling I expect from the genre. Still Missing is the reason I continue reading thriller and mysteries though. I was so engrossed in this novel it’s amazing that I remembered to cook dinner…wait, I didn’t. We had McDonald’s that day.

Still Missing is the story of the kidnapping, captivity, and escape as well as consequential emotions that follow of Annie O’Sullivan. The novel starts off with Annie at her therapist.

“If we’re going to do this, it’s going to be done my way. That means no questions from you. Not even one sneaky little “How did you feel when...” I’ll tell the story from the beginning, and when I’m interested in hearing what you have to say, I’ll let you know.”

If that’s doesn’t have you turn the page with a quickness then I don’t know what will. The story is being told during Annie’s therapy sessions. The chapters are actually called sessions. Most of the sessions are of Annie telling the story of the kidnapping, but then you have sessions about what she’s going through post nightmare. The tale that Annie tells is frightening to no end. Seriously, this is a women’s worst nightmare. I kept on reading way until the night because I need to know how she escaped, how she managed the torture. How the hell did she survive?

Chevy Stevens wrote a debut novel that did the unusual for me, it kept me on the edge of my seat. Thank you for that Ms. Stevens, and for that you have a fan for life.

Is this recommendable…hell yeah!

Go read it!


  1. This book was my favourite last year, so well written.

  2. I was capitvated right up until the end. I didn't like how it was wrapped up but boy it had me til then!

  3. Nice! I've been wanting to read this one.


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