Oct 18, 2009

Sunday Salon

Books Read- This week I read 5 books, Cruel Summer, Treasure Map of Boys, The Shining, Hold Tight, and Juliet, Naked. My favorite for this week was Treasure Map of Boys by E. Lockhart. I'm currently giving away a copy of this one and book one, The Boyfriend List. You can enter here. I finished my 1001 book for October The Shining by Stephen King. Look for upcoming reviews for all these. I'm getting behind again. LOL!

Currently Reading- The Man Who Loved Books Too Much- Allison Hoover Bartlett. Just started it, but it looks promising.

Dewey's Readathon- As I mentioned before I'll be participating in the 24 hour reading marathon October 24th. I'm excited, it will be my first. I came up with my reading pile, and I'm looking forward to start. reading pile

Challenges- I'm doing great so far with the 1001 Book Challenge, but not so great with my Douglas Adam Hitchhiker's Challenge. I've yet to even crack open the first book in the series. Luckily though I did put book 1 The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy in my reading pile for the readathon. I also joined The Christmas Reading Challenge hosted by Michelle at The True Book Addict. I honestly don't think I've ever read one Christmas book, so this should be really fun.

Have a great Sunday and week ahead!

1 comment:

  1. This 24 hour read a thon is interesting to me. My first thought was NO WAY! But the more I've been reading about it the more interested I'm getting. Definitely skipping this year but will be watching to see how it goes!


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